Publications - 2020
Listed alphabetically by last name of first author.
Alumna Priyanka Agarwal (Ph.D. ’19): “Integrating Power to Advance the Study of Connective and Productive Disciplinary Engagement in Mathematics and Science” (chapter) in Stem and the Social Good: Forwarding Political and Ethical Perspectives in the Learning Sciences
Second-year doctoral student Daniela Alvarez-Vargas, third-year doctoral student Sirui Wan, Associate Professor Drew Bailey: "Hedges, Mottes, and Baileys: Causally Ambiguous Statistical Language can Increase Perceived Study Quality and Policy Relevance" in PsyArXiv
Postdoctoral Scholar Jissel B. Anaya, Professor Elizabeth D. Peña: “That’s hard! Item difficulty and word characteristics for bilinguals with and without developmental language disorder” in International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Associate Professor Drew Bailey, Distinguished Professor George Farkas: “Reciprocal effects of reading and mathematics? Beyond the cross-lagged panel model” in APA PsychNet
Alumna Tara Barnhart (Ph.D. ‘16): “Co-Innovating a Paradigm Shift from a Pandemic” in ResearchGate
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The interplay of community and family risk and protective factors on adjustment in young adult immigrants” in International Journal of Psychology
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Parenting and children’s negative emotionality, self‐regulation, and academic skills: The moderating role of fathers’ residency” in Social Development
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Relations among acculturative stress, internalizing symptoms, and prosocial behaviors in Latinx college students” in Journal of Latinx Psychology.
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Relations between stress, coping strategies, and prosocial behavior in U.S. Mexican college students” in Journal of American College Health
Professor Gustavo Carlo (editor): The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development
Professor Gustavo Carlo, postdoctoral scholar Zehra Gülseven: “Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement, deviant peer affiliation, and school connectedness on prosocial behaviors in U.S. Latino/a youth” in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Adolescents’ Prosocial Behaviors Through a Multidimensional and Multicultural Lens” in Child Development Perspectives
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Direct and indirect relations between family conflict and youth's later behavioral outcomes” in Review of Social Development
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The relations of White parents’ implicit racial attitudes to their children’s differential empathic concern toward White and Black victims” in Journal of Experimental Psychology
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The roles of perspective taking, empathic concern, and prosocial moral reasoning in the self-reported prosocial behaviors of Filipino and Turkish young adults” in Journal of Cross-Cultural Research
Professor Gustavo Carlo (editor): Rural Ethnic Minority Youth and Families in the United States
Fourth-year doctoral student Edward Chen, fourth-year doctoral student Sirui Wan, Associate Professor Drew Bailey: “A multilevel meta-analysis on the causal effect of ANS training on symbolic math performance” in PsyArXiv
Professor Gilberto Conchas: The Chicana/o/x Dream Hope, Resistance, and Educational Success, Harvard Education Press
Associate Professor Penelope Collins, Alumna Tien Thuy Ho (Ph.D. ‘19): “Bilingualism and Bilteracy” (chapter) in Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology
Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: “Cross-Domain Trajectories of Students’ Ability Self-Concepts and Intrinsic Values in Math and Language Arts” in Child Development
Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: "The effect of COVID-19 on general anaesthesia rates for caesarean section: A cross-sectional analysis of six hospitals in the north-west of England" in Anaesthesia 2020
Distinguished Professor George Farkas: “District-level Achievement Gaps Explain Black and Hispanic Over-representation in Special Education” in Exceptional Children
Doctoral candidate Taylor Gara: “Selection into, and academic benefits from, middle school dance elective courses among urban youth” in APA PsycNet
Doctoral candidate Taylor Gara, Distinguished Professor George Farkas, Professor Liane Brouillette: “Did consequential accountability policies decrease the share of visual and performing arts education in U.S. public secondary schools during the No Child Left Behind era?” in Arts Education Policy Review
Assistant Professor Brandy Gatlin-Nash: “Linguistic differences and learning to read for nonmainstream dialect speakers” in Perspectives on Language and Literacy
Postdoctoral Scholar Zehra Gülseven, Professor Gustavo Carlo: "The Roles of Perspective Taking, Empathic Concern, and Prosocial Moral Reasoning in the Self-Reported Prosocial Behaviors of Filipino and Turkish Young Adults" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Perspective
Fourth-year doctoral student Sharin Jacob, third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, second-year doctoral student Leiny Garcia, Professor Emerita Debra Richardson (ICS), Professor Mark Warschauer: “Teaching Computational Thinking to Multilingual Students through Inquiry-based Learning” in ResearchGate Preprint
Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi, Project Scientist Anja Pahor: “Does ‘Brain Training’ Actually work? in Scientific American
Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “'Learning to learn' as a new path for learning generalization in working memory: The case of action video game play” in Journal of Vision
Fourth-year doctoral student Su Jiang, Professor Sandra Simpkins, Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: “Individuals’ math and science motivation and their subsequent STEM choices and achievement in high school and college: A longitudinal study of gender and college generation status differences” in Developmental Psychology
Alumna Masha Jones (Ph.D. ’19), Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “Individual Differences in Cognitive Training Research” (chapter) in Cognitive Training, An Overview of Features and Applications
Alumna Tarana Khan (Ph.D. ’19): “Re-imagining the Role of Families as Equal Partners in STEM Learning” in National Science Teaching Association – Connected Science Learning Journal
Professor Young-Suk Kim: “Influences of Individual, Text, and Assessment Factors on Text/Discourse Comprehension in Oral Language (Listening Comprehension)” in Annals of Dyslexia
Professor Young-Suk Kim: “Letter Features as Predictors of Letter-Name Acquisition in Four Languages with Three Scripts” in Scientific Studies of Reading
Professor and Sr. Associate Dean Young-Suk Kim: “Examining the relations of online reading processes (eye movements) with working memory, emergent literacy skills, and reading proficiency.” In Scientific Studies of Reading.
Professor and Sr. Associate Dean Young-Suk Kim: “Linguistic predictors of single-word spelling in first grade students with speech and/or language Impairments.” In Remedial and Special Education.
Professor and Sr. Associate Dean Young-Suk Kim: “Reading prosody unpacked: A longitudinal investigation of its dimensionality and the relation with word reading and listening comprehension for children in primary grades.” In Journal of Educational Psychology.
Distinguished Professor Judith F. Kroll: “Language contact in the lab.” In The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact (Book Chapter)
Alumnus Ryan W. Lewis (Ph.D. ’18), Associate Professor Drew Bailey: “Latent classes from complex assessments: What do they tell us?” in Learning and Individual Differences
Alumnus Alex Lin (Ph.D. ’14), Professor Sandra Simpkins: “Making the Decision to Participate in Organized After-School Activities: Perspectives From Mexican-Origin Adolescents and Their Parents” in Journal of Adolescent Research
Doctoral candidate Yangyang Liu, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “The Role of Organized Activities in Supporting Youth Moral and Civic Character Development: A Review of the Literature” in Adolescent Research Review
Doctoral candidate Yangyang Liu, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “Teachers, afterschool program staff, and mothers: Relationships with key adults and children’s adjustment in early elementary school” in Applied Developmental Science
Second-year doctoral student Joseph Montoya: “It's Just a Pipe Dream: Equitable Workforce Pathways for Silicon Valley” in Research Gate
Third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, Professor Rossella Santagata: “Impact of Computer Modeling on Learning and Teaching Systems Thinking” in Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, second-year doctoral student Leiny Garcia, fourth-year doctoral student Sharin Jacob, Professor Emerita Debra Richardson (ICS), Professor Mark Warschauer: “Teachers' Use of Video Reflections to Reinforce Computer Science Language and Concepts” in RESPECT 2020
Alumna Wendy Ochoa (Ph.D. ’19), Associate Professor Stephanie Reich: “Parents' Beliefs About the Benefits and Detriments of Mobile Screen Technologies for Their Young Children's Learning: A Focus on Diverse Latine Mothers and Fathers” in Frontiers of Psychology
Professor Emerita Carol Booth Olson, Alumna Lauren Godfrey (Ph.D. ’19), Rebecca Black, Project Scientist/Alumnus Huy Chung (Ph.D. ‘15), Alumna Tina Matuchniak (Ph.D. ‘13), Assistant Professor, CSU Long Beach; Affiliated Professor Robin Scarcella: “The Pathway to Academic Success: Scaling Up a Text-Based Analytical Writing Intervention for Latinos and English Learners in Secondary School” in Journal of Educational Psychology
Project Scientist Anja Pahor, Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “Multisensory Facilitation of Working Memory Training” in Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Professor Elizabeth Peña: “Identifying Developmental Language Disorder in School Age Bilinguals: Semantics, Grammar, and Narratives" in Language Assessment Quarterly
Associate Professor Kylie Peppler, doctoral student Mishael Sedas: “Making at Home: Interest-driven Practices and Supportive Relationships in Minoritized Homes” in Young Children, Maker Literacies and Social Change
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Comparing first- and third-person perspectives in early elementary learning of honeybee systems." In: Instructional Science.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Connected learning ecologies as an emerging opportunity through Cosplay." In: Comunicar.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Recognition in makerspaces: Supporting opportunities for women to 'make' a STEM career." In: Computers in Human Behavior.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "'It helps create and enhance a community': Youth motivations for making portfolios." In: Mind, Culture, and Activity.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Materials-to-develop-with: The making of a makerspace." In: The British Journal of Educational Technology.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Squishing Circuits: Circuitry Learning with Electronics and Playdough in Early Childhood." In: Journal of Science and Educational Technology.
Postdoctoral Scholar Anthony Phonethibsavads and Professor Kylie Peppler: "Consensual assessment in the new domain of e-textiles: Comparing insights from expert, quasi-expert, and novice judges." In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Postdoctoral Scholar Anthony Phonethibsavads and Professor Kylie Peppler: "Utilizing the Consensual Assessment Technique to Compare Creativity in Drama Spaces." In: Sciendo.
Postdoctoral scholar Amy Pratt, postdoctoral scholar Ashley Adams, Professor Elizabeth Peña: "Exploring the Use of Parent and Teacher Questionnaires to Screen for Language Disorders in Bilingual Children" in Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Postdoctoral scholar Amy Pratt, Professor Elizabeth Peña: “Sentence repetition with bilinguals with and without DLD: Differential effects of memory, vocabulary, and exposure” in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Fourth-year doctoral student Jennifer Renick, Professor Stephanie Reich: “Best friends, bad food, and bullying: How students’ school perceptions relate to sense of school belonging” in Journal of Community Psychology
Associate Professor Lindsey Engle Richland: "Bias and Sensitivity to Task Constraints in Spontaneous Relational Attention" in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Doctoral candidate Carlos Sandoval, Professor Elizabeth van Es, Assistant Professor Shanyce Campbell, Professor Rossella Santagata: “Creating Coherence in Teacher Preparation: Examining Teacher Candidates' Conceptualizations and Practices for Equity” in Teacher Education Quarterly
Professor Sandra Simpkins: “The complexities of culturally responsive organized activities: Latino parents’ and adolescents’ perspectives” in Journal of Adolescent Research
Professor Sandra Simpkins, fourth-year doctoral student Kayla Puente: “Latino and White adolescents’ reasons behind organized activity participation: The connections with cultural orientations, psychological engagement, and activity experiences” in Applied Developmental Science
Professor Sandra Simpkins, Alumnus Nestor Tulagan (Ph.D. ’20), third-year doctoral student Glona Lee, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Vandell: “Youth’s developing work habits from middle childhood to early adolescence: Cascading effects for academic outcomes in adolescence and early adulthood“ in Developmental Psychology
Fourth-year doctoral student Kimberly Telfer-Radzat: “Shifting Paradigms: From screen-free to fully digital during a worldwide pandemic” (chapter) in Corona Chronicles: in Necessary Narratives in Uncertain Times
Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell: “Does secure base script knowledge mediate associations between observed parental caregiving during childhood and adult romantic relationship quality and health?” In Attachment and Human Development
Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra D. Simpkins and Doctoral Student Yangyang Liu: “From early care and education to adult problem behaviors: A prevention pathway through after-school organized activities.” In Development and Psychopathology
Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra D. Simpkins and Director of Research Projects Kim M. Pierce: “Afterschool programs, extracurricular activities, and unsupervised time: Are patterns of participation linked to children's academic and social well-being?” In Applied Developmental Science
Lecturer Viet Vu (Ph.D. '17), fifth-year doctoral student Yenda Prado, Alumna Soobin Yim (Ph.D., '17), Alumna Phuong Le (B.S. '19): “Digital storytelling for academic literacy: Culturally responsive multimodal composition course design” (chapter) in Learning critical thinking skills beyond 21st century for multidisciplinary courses: A human right perspective in education
Assistant Professor Adriana Villavicencio: “Building Teacher Capacity to Interrupt Racism in Schools: Studying the Work of the Center for Racial Justice in Education” (report) in The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
Assistant Professor Adriana Villavicencio: “’You can’t close your door here:’ Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners” in Teaching and Teacher Education
Professor Mark Warschauer, fourth-year doctoral student Sharin Jacob, third-year doctoral student Undraa Maamuujav: “Chapter 28: Online Englishes” in The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes
Doctoral Candidate Christopher Wegemer, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell: “Parenting, temperament, and attachment security as antecedents of political orientation: Longitudinal evidence from early childhood to age 26.” In Developmental Psychology
Doctoral Student Alissa Wolters, Professor Young-Suk Grace Kim, and Doctoral Student John William Szura: “Is Reading Prosody Related to Reading Comprehension? A Meta-analysis.” In Scientific Studies of Reading
Associate Professor Di Xu: “Testing Basic Assumptions Reveals When (Not) to Expect Mindset and Beloning Interventions to Succeed.” In: AERA Open
Associate Professor Di Xu: “The impacts of different types of college instructors on students’ academic and labor market outcomes.” In Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Associate Professor Di Xu, fifth-year doctoral candidate Ying Xu: The ambivalence about distance learning in higher education: Challenges, opportunities, and policy implications
Second-year doctoral student Nickolina Yankova, Associate Professor Kylie Peppler: “#quiltsforpulse: Investigating Quilting Processes to Inform Community-Based Engagement” in International Society of Learning Sciences
Postdoctoral scholar Mark Vincent B. Yu, fifth-year doctoral student Stephanie Soto-Lara, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “Latinx Adolescents’ Peer Ethnic Discrimination in After-School Activities and Activity Experiences” in Journal of Youth Development
Postdoctoral researcher Ninger Zhou, third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, Research Affiliate Christian Fischer, Professor Emerita Debra Richardson (ICS), Professor Mark Warschauer: “High School Teachers’ Self-efficacy in Teaching Computer Science” in ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Director of UCI’s CalTeach Program Doron Zinger (Ph.D. ‘18), Professor Judith Haymore Sandholtz: “Teaching Science in Rural Elementary Schools: Affordances and Constraints in the age of NGSS” in The Rural Educator
Director of UCI’s CalTeach Program Doron Zinger (Ph.D. ‘18), Dr. Therese Shanahan, CalTeach Master Teacher/Math Coordinator Kris Houston: “Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience Through a CalTeach Preparation Program” (chapter) in Preparing STEM Teachers: The UTeach Replication Model
Second-year doctoral student Daniela Alvarez-Vargas, third-year doctoral student Sirui Wan, Associate Professor Drew Bailey: "Hedges, Mottes, and Baileys: Causally Ambiguous Statistical Language can Increase Perceived Study Quality and Policy Relevance" in PsyArXiv
Postdoctoral Scholar Jissel B. Anaya, Professor Elizabeth D. Peña: “That’s hard! Item difficulty and word characteristics for bilinguals with and without developmental language disorder” in International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Associate Professor Drew Bailey, Distinguished Professor George Farkas: “Reciprocal effects of reading and mathematics? Beyond the cross-lagged panel model” in APA PsychNet
Alumna Tara Barnhart (Ph.D. ‘16): “Co-Innovating a Paradigm Shift from a Pandemic” in ResearchGate
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The interplay of community and family risk and protective factors on adjustment in young adult immigrants” in International Journal of Psychology
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Parenting and children’s negative emotionality, self‐regulation, and academic skills: The moderating role of fathers’ residency” in Social Development
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Relations among acculturative stress, internalizing symptoms, and prosocial behaviors in Latinx college students” in Journal of Latinx Psychology.
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Relations between stress, coping strategies, and prosocial behavior in U.S. Mexican college students” in Journal of American College Health
Professor Gustavo Carlo (editor): The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development
Professor Gustavo Carlo, postdoctoral scholar Zehra Gülseven: “Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement, deviant peer affiliation, and school connectedness on prosocial behaviors in U.S. Latino/a youth” in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Adolescents’ Prosocial Behaviors Through a Multidimensional and Multicultural Lens” in Child Development Perspectives
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “Direct and indirect relations between family conflict and youth's later behavioral outcomes” in Review of Social Development
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The relations of White parents’ implicit racial attitudes to their children’s differential empathic concern toward White and Black victims” in Journal of Experimental Psychology
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The roles of perspective taking, empathic concern, and prosocial moral reasoning in the self-reported prosocial behaviors of Filipino and Turkish young adults” in Journal of Cross-Cultural Research
Professor Gustavo Carlo (editor): Rural Ethnic Minority Youth and Families in the United States
Fourth-year doctoral student Edward Chen, fourth-year doctoral student Sirui Wan, Associate Professor Drew Bailey: “A multilevel meta-analysis on the causal effect of ANS training on symbolic math performance” in PsyArXiv
Professor Gilberto Conchas: The Chicana/o/x Dream Hope, Resistance, and Educational Success, Harvard Education Press
Associate Professor Penelope Collins, Alumna Tien Thuy Ho (Ph.D. ‘19): “Bilingualism and Bilteracy” (chapter) in Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology
Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: “Cross-Domain Trajectories of Students’ Ability Self-Concepts and Intrinsic Values in Math and Language Arts” in Child Development
Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: "The effect of COVID-19 on general anaesthesia rates for caesarean section: A cross-sectional analysis of six hospitals in the north-west of England" in Anaesthesia 2020
Distinguished Professor George Farkas: “District-level Achievement Gaps Explain Black and Hispanic Over-representation in Special Education” in Exceptional Children
Doctoral candidate Taylor Gara: “Selection into, and academic benefits from, middle school dance elective courses among urban youth” in APA PsycNet
Doctoral candidate Taylor Gara, Distinguished Professor George Farkas, Professor Liane Brouillette: “Did consequential accountability policies decrease the share of visual and performing arts education in U.S. public secondary schools during the No Child Left Behind era?” in Arts Education Policy Review
Assistant Professor Brandy Gatlin-Nash: “Linguistic differences and learning to read for nonmainstream dialect speakers” in Perspectives on Language and Literacy
Postdoctoral Scholar Zehra Gülseven, Professor Gustavo Carlo: "The Roles of Perspective Taking, Empathic Concern, and Prosocial Moral Reasoning in the Self-Reported Prosocial Behaviors of Filipino and Turkish Young Adults" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Perspective
Fourth-year doctoral student Sharin Jacob, third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, second-year doctoral student Leiny Garcia, Professor Emerita Debra Richardson (ICS), Professor Mark Warschauer: “Teaching Computational Thinking to Multilingual Students through Inquiry-based Learning” in ResearchGate Preprint
Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi, Project Scientist Anja Pahor: “Does ‘Brain Training’ Actually work? in Scientific American
Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “'Learning to learn' as a new path for learning generalization in working memory: The case of action video game play” in Journal of Vision
Fourth-year doctoral student Su Jiang, Professor Sandra Simpkins, Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: “Individuals’ math and science motivation and their subsequent STEM choices and achievement in high school and college: A longitudinal study of gender and college generation status differences” in Developmental Psychology
Alumna Masha Jones (Ph.D. ’19), Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “Individual Differences in Cognitive Training Research” (chapter) in Cognitive Training, An Overview of Features and Applications
Alumna Tarana Khan (Ph.D. ’19): “Re-imagining the Role of Families as Equal Partners in STEM Learning” in National Science Teaching Association – Connected Science Learning Journal
Professor Young-Suk Kim: “Influences of Individual, Text, and Assessment Factors on Text/Discourse Comprehension in Oral Language (Listening Comprehension)” in Annals of Dyslexia
Professor Young-Suk Kim: “Letter Features as Predictors of Letter-Name Acquisition in Four Languages with Three Scripts” in Scientific Studies of Reading
Professor and Sr. Associate Dean Young-Suk Kim: “Examining the relations of online reading processes (eye movements) with working memory, emergent literacy skills, and reading proficiency.” In Scientific Studies of Reading.
Professor and Sr. Associate Dean Young-Suk Kim: “Linguistic predictors of single-word spelling in first grade students with speech and/or language Impairments.” In Remedial and Special Education.
Professor and Sr. Associate Dean Young-Suk Kim: “Reading prosody unpacked: A longitudinal investigation of its dimensionality and the relation with word reading and listening comprehension for children in primary grades.” In Journal of Educational Psychology.
Distinguished Professor Judith F. Kroll: “Language contact in the lab.” In The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact (Book Chapter)
Alumnus Ryan W. Lewis (Ph.D. ’18), Associate Professor Drew Bailey: “Latent classes from complex assessments: What do they tell us?” in Learning and Individual Differences
Alumnus Alex Lin (Ph.D. ’14), Professor Sandra Simpkins: “Making the Decision to Participate in Organized After-School Activities: Perspectives From Mexican-Origin Adolescents and Their Parents” in Journal of Adolescent Research
Doctoral candidate Yangyang Liu, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “The Role of Organized Activities in Supporting Youth Moral and Civic Character Development: A Review of the Literature” in Adolescent Research Review
Doctoral candidate Yangyang Liu, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “Teachers, afterschool program staff, and mothers: Relationships with key adults and children’s adjustment in early elementary school” in Applied Developmental Science
Second-year doctoral student Joseph Montoya: “It's Just a Pipe Dream: Equitable Workforce Pathways for Silicon Valley” in Research Gate
Third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, Professor Rossella Santagata: “Impact of Computer Modeling on Learning and Teaching Systems Thinking” in Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, second-year doctoral student Leiny Garcia, fourth-year doctoral student Sharin Jacob, Professor Emerita Debra Richardson (ICS), Professor Mark Warschauer: “Teachers' Use of Video Reflections to Reinforce Computer Science Language and Concepts” in RESPECT 2020
Alumna Wendy Ochoa (Ph.D. ’19), Associate Professor Stephanie Reich: “Parents' Beliefs About the Benefits and Detriments of Mobile Screen Technologies for Their Young Children's Learning: A Focus on Diverse Latine Mothers and Fathers” in Frontiers of Psychology
Professor Emerita Carol Booth Olson, Alumna Lauren Godfrey (Ph.D. ’19), Rebecca Black, Project Scientist/Alumnus Huy Chung (Ph.D. ‘15), Alumna Tina Matuchniak (Ph.D. ‘13), Assistant Professor, CSU Long Beach; Affiliated Professor Robin Scarcella: “The Pathway to Academic Success: Scaling Up a Text-Based Analytical Writing Intervention for Latinos and English Learners in Secondary School” in Journal of Educational Psychology
Project Scientist Anja Pahor, Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “Multisensory Facilitation of Working Memory Training” in Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Professor Elizabeth Peña: “Identifying Developmental Language Disorder in School Age Bilinguals: Semantics, Grammar, and Narratives" in Language Assessment Quarterly
Associate Professor Kylie Peppler, doctoral student Mishael Sedas: “Making at Home: Interest-driven Practices and Supportive Relationships in Minoritized Homes” in Young Children, Maker Literacies and Social Change
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Comparing first- and third-person perspectives in early elementary learning of honeybee systems." In: Instructional Science.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Connected learning ecologies as an emerging opportunity through Cosplay." In: Comunicar.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Recognition in makerspaces: Supporting opportunities for women to 'make' a STEM career." In: Computers in Human Behavior.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "'It helps create and enhance a community': Youth motivations for making portfolios." In: Mind, Culture, and Activity.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Materials-to-develop-with: The making of a makerspace." In: The British Journal of Educational Technology.
Professor Kylie Peppler: "Squishing Circuits: Circuitry Learning with Electronics and Playdough in Early Childhood." In: Journal of Science and Educational Technology.
Postdoctoral Scholar Anthony Phonethibsavads and Professor Kylie Peppler: "Consensual assessment in the new domain of e-textiles: Comparing insights from expert, quasi-expert, and novice judges." In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Postdoctoral Scholar Anthony Phonethibsavads and Professor Kylie Peppler: "Utilizing the Consensual Assessment Technique to Compare Creativity in Drama Spaces." In: Sciendo.
Postdoctoral scholar Amy Pratt, postdoctoral scholar Ashley Adams, Professor Elizabeth Peña: "Exploring the Use of Parent and Teacher Questionnaires to Screen for Language Disorders in Bilingual Children" in Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Postdoctoral scholar Amy Pratt, Professor Elizabeth Peña: “Sentence repetition with bilinguals with and without DLD: Differential effects of memory, vocabulary, and exposure” in Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Fourth-year doctoral student Jennifer Renick, Professor Stephanie Reich: “Best friends, bad food, and bullying: How students’ school perceptions relate to sense of school belonging” in Journal of Community Psychology
Associate Professor Lindsey Engle Richland: "Bias and Sensitivity to Task Constraints in Spontaneous Relational Attention" in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Doctoral candidate Carlos Sandoval, Professor Elizabeth van Es, Assistant Professor Shanyce Campbell, Professor Rossella Santagata: “Creating Coherence in Teacher Preparation: Examining Teacher Candidates' Conceptualizations and Practices for Equity” in Teacher Education Quarterly
Professor Sandra Simpkins: “The complexities of culturally responsive organized activities: Latino parents’ and adolescents’ perspectives” in Journal of Adolescent Research
Professor Sandra Simpkins, fourth-year doctoral student Kayla Puente: “Latino and White adolescents’ reasons behind organized activity participation: The connections with cultural orientations, psychological engagement, and activity experiences” in Applied Developmental Science
Professor Sandra Simpkins, Alumnus Nestor Tulagan (Ph.D. ’20), third-year doctoral student Glona Lee, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Vandell: “Youth’s developing work habits from middle childhood to early adolescence: Cascading effects for academic outcomes in adolescence and early adulthood“ in Developmental Psychology
Fourth-year doctoral student Kimberly Telfer-Radzat: “Shifting Paradigms: From screen-free to fully digital during a worldwide pandemic” (chapter) in Corona Chronicles: in Necessary Narratives in Uncertain Times
Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell: “Does secure base script knowledge mediate associations between observed parental caregiving during childhood and adult romantic relationship quality and health?” In Attachment and Human Development
Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra D. Simpkins and Doctoral Student Yangyang Liu: “From early care and education to adult problem behaviors: A prevention pathway through after-school organized activities.” In Development and Psychopathology
Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell, Professor Sandra D. Simpkins and Director of Research Projects Kim M. Pierce: “Afterschool programs, extracurricular activities, and unsupervised time: Are patterns of participation linked to children's academic and social well-being?” In Applied Developmental Science
Lecturer Viet Vu (Ph.D. '17), fifth-year doctoral student Yenda Prado, Alumna Soobin Yim (Ph.D., '17), Alumna Phuong Le (B.S. '19): “Digital storytelling for academic literacy: Culturally responsive multimodal composition course design” (chapter) in Learning critical thinking skills beyond 21st century for multidisciplinary courses: A human right perspective in education
Assistant Professor Adriana Villavicencio: “Building Teacher Capacity to Interrupt Racism in Schools: Studying the Work of the Center for Racial Justice in Education” (report) in The Research Alliance for New York City Schools
Assistant Professor Adriana Villavicencio: “’You can’t close your door here:’ Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners” in Teaching and Teacher Education
Professor Mark Warschauer, fourth-year doctoral student Sharin Jacob, third-year doctoral student Undraa Maamuujav: “Chapter 28: Online Englishes” in The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes
Doctoral Candidate Christopher Wegemer, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Lowe Vandell: “Parenting, temperament, and attachment security as antecedents of political orientation: Longitudinal evidence from early childhood to age 26.” In Developmental Psychology
Doctoral Student Alissa Wolters, Professor Young-Suk Grace Kim, and Doctoral Student John William Szura: “Is Reading Prosody Related to Reading Comprehension? A Meta-analysis.” In Scientific Studies of Reading
Associate Professor Di Xu: “Testing Basic Assumptions Reveals When (Not) to Expect Mindset and Beloning Interventions to Succeed.” In: AERA Open
Associate Professor Di Xu: “The impacts of different types of college instructors on students’ academic and labor market outcomes.” In Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Associate Professor Di Xu, fifth-year doctoral candidate Ying Xu: The ambivalence about distance learning in higher education: Challenges, opportunities, and policy implications
Second-year doctoral student Nickolina Yankova, Associate Professor Kylie Peppler: “#quiltsforpulse: Investigating Quilting Processes to Inform Community-Based Engagement” in International Society of Learning Sciences
Postdoctoral scholar Mark Vincent B. Yu, fifth-year doctoral student Stephanie Soto-Lara, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “Latinx Adolescents’ Peer Ethnic Discrimination in After-School Activities and Activity Experiences” in Journal of Youth Development
Postdoctoral researcher Ninger Zhou, third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, Research Affiliate Christian Fischer, Professor Emerita Debra Richardson (ICS), Professor Mark Warschauer: “High School Teachers’ Self-efficacy in Teaching Computer Science” in ACM Transactions on Computing Education
Director of UCI’s CalTeach Program Doron Zinger (Ph.D. ‘18), Professor Judith Haymore Sandholtz: “Teaching Science in Rural Elementary Schools: Affordances and Constraints in the age of NGSS” in The Rural Educator
Director of UCI’s CalTeach Program Doron Zinger (Ph.D. ‘18), Dr. Therese Shanahan, CalTeach Master Teacher/Math Coordinator Kris Houston: “Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience Through a CalTeach Preparation Program” (chapter) in Preparing STEM Teachers: The UTeach Replication Model